Wednesday, October 6, 2010

typeface film thoughts

so we watched "typeface" on monday. at the beginning, the film presented me with a lot of interesting little facts about the beauty of letterpress. i guess i never really thought about the historical significance and rich history until i learned that it dates back several hundred years and that many print shops could be found within a half-mile of each other in their prime time. as the film progressed, it took a sort of tragic note. after looking at the shots of the hamilton museum, it did not surprise me to learn that the process is actually dying with the growth of digital processes, and that overall demand for letterpress is just dropping. the film obviously advocates for the preservation of letterpress through the tone it takes in the latter half, which is fine, but i honestly do not believe that it will ever make a full revival. as tragic as that sounds, that's the reality of it. i think anyone that really loves letterpress will make sure it remains known, for the sake of themselves or for history.

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